lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016

Rafael Nunez Aponte: Timberland’s Corporate Social Responsibility in Every Aspect

Timberland's 2013 CSR Report Highlights Continued Environmental, Community Impacts
As many companies and brands we have shown before, Timberland has a great variety of activities and actions taken in order to benefit society and environment. All that can be verified in their different areas of responsible work: services, products, factories and climate. See more below.
Timberland’s commitment to sustainability was born nearly 40 years ago, and it continues today with the same effort, but with new and more initiatives and ideas. This is a core belief that business can create positive impact in the world.
Products and commitment:
Timberland's work in Haiti
Timberland's work in Haiti
According to Emily Alati, director of materials development for Timberland, the company tries to put the most environmentally responsible materials possible during the creation of their products. They have created material options to substitute for virgin raw materials where possible to meet this goal.
Factories and workers:
As part of Timberland’s Sustainable Living Environment (SLE) program, the supplier sustainability team of Timberland use important periods of time in interacting and giving prominence to factory workers and managers to understand if they are able to meet basic needs and if factory employment is helping to improve their lives.

Timberland's volunteerism
Timberland's volunteerism
Engaging CommunitiesOnce a modest family business, Timberland has grown into an important big company; and they owe a lot of success to the people and places around the world where they set up a shop. That is why engaging citizens, employees, and consumers through community service have always been a priority for this company.

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