viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016

Rafael Nunez Aponte: Considerations on CSR Campaigns

Report, communicate, inform
Report, communicate, inform
Everyday, we see a lot more mistakes than correct actions when it comes to corporate sustainability communications and campaigns. Today, we have brought for you a list of 3 common mistakes your company might be making with its CSR communications and how to fix them.

There is a term for the case where your communication message is not backed up or supported by the actions of other departments: “greenwashing.” When a communications team runs around telling stories about the great things a company does about environment and the planet without really be doing anything real, bad things can happen.

Work for your expectation and communicate your plans
Work for your expectations and communicate your plans
2. When something good is happening and you want to keep it secret
Maybe you do not think about this, but most of times when you run into sustainability professionals and specialists, you probably hear a lot of great and exciting stories about the projects they are working on. People out there will appreciate the transparency. Even if it is not perfect, it is always good to start showing what your company is capable of in terms of CSR.
3. Always avoiding negative aspects?

You do not have idea of how many CSR communications focus on the positive; that is probably great, however, it is also important to be honest when things are not going the way you always wanted. Try reporting your activities, good or bad results, inform the people, otherwise, it is hard to believe you about the good things.
Good tips for your brand

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