Child prostitution means the use of children in sexual activities with the objective of obtaining profits or other kind of compensations. This type of activities can also be called as sexual exploitation. Abused children usually are forced to work in the streets or in establishments like brothels, discos, massage parlors, bars, hotels or restaurants. Child prostitution affects both girls and boys.
According to experts of important institutions against child abuse such as CPIU, in some countries, such as United States, child prostitution can even be included in the distribution or dissemination of images of minors engaged in sexual activities and is considered illegal.
Avoiding Child Sexual Abuse |
Causes of Child Prostitution
Poverty: this is the main cause of prostitution. Often, families feel forced to sell their children to traffickers due to their low incomes, which are not enough to meet their basic needs. Poverty can also lead to abandonment. Because of their vulnerability, children become the perfect target of manipulators who promise work and remuneration.
Money: prostitution is a very lucrative activity compared with the level of local wages in many countries. In Kenya, for example, a sexual encounter with a girl under 16 years old may cost about 20 euros. Nevertheless, prices can reach 60 euros, while a common Kenyan earns on average only four euros a day.
Orphans: wars, natural disasters and diseases such as HIV/AIDS contribute to the increasing number of orphans worldwide each year. Because of their vulnerability, these children accept any kind of jobs and prostitution becomes a mean of survival, since it is a high lucrative activity compared to other denigrating and dangerous work.
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